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Lemon meringue igloo

10 Dec 2016


Lemon meringue revisited in the shape of an igloo for a delicous winter recipe

Laminated dough


  • 1000 g of tegral Patacrout    
  • 100 g of whole eggs    
  • 400 g of Aristo Primeur Croissant    
  • 50 g of Pistachio powder    

Workinig method: 

  1. Mix all ingredients to obtain homogeneous dough. Laminate to 3mm.
  2. Cut into round shape. 
  3. Bake at 180°C for 13 minutes.
  4. Let cool down.

Vanilla cream


  • 1000 g of fresh cream    
  • 80 g of Sugar    
  • 1 pc of vanilla pods    

Working method:

  1. Whisk all ingredients together to obtain a light texture.



  • 1000g of Deli Lemon Pie 

Working method:

  1. Bake Deli Lemon pie (~15 g) in a Silpat mold(3 cm diameter/2 cm height) at 180°C for 12 minutes
  2. Put in the freezer.

Swiss meringue


  • 250g of egg white
  • 500g of sugar

Working method

  1. Warm the egg white and the sugar at 70°C and whisk to cool down.
  2. Pipe on a dome Silpat mold (8 cm diameter).
  3. Bake at 90°C for 120 minutes. 
  4. Pipe Vanilla cream in the dry meringue; add a disk of baked Deli Lemon pie, few halved raspberries and close with vanilla cream.
  5. Return the meringue on a disk of pistachio Patacrout.

More information?

Looking to innovate with tastes and textures? Ask your local Puratos representative to introduce you to our range of highly versatile and easy-to-use, Satin mixes for the highest level of quality!

Innovate by adding fruit, chocolate or cream filling!